Fiona Choi, PhD
Research Associate
Fiona received her PhD in Neuroscience from the University of British Columbia with a focus on preclinical models of addiction. She currently holds the HSBC Fellowship in Addiction Research exploring factors associated with substance use disorders, trauma and related psychopathology. She is also involved in the development of an integrated mental health web platform for vulnerable youth, utilizing e-health tools to strengthen mental well-being.
Alireza Kazemi, MD
Data Scientist
Andy Tai, BSc
PhD Graduate in Neuroscience at UBC
Jane Kim, BSc
MSc student in Experimental Medicine
Vivian Tsang, MD
Resident Researcher
Vivian is a psychiatry research track resident at the University of British Columbia. She sits on the Board of Directors of the Canadian Childhood Cannabinoid Clinical Trials to advance the investigation of new pharmacotherapies and is most interested in furthering research in addictions and concurrent disorders. Vivian held previous positions on UBC’s Senate, Vancouver City Council Advisory Committees, and represented the Faculty of Medicine to lobby for resources for youth mental health with BC’s Minister of Health. On the side, she heads a national charity, The HOPE Initiative Foundation which works to inspire innovative solutions to existing systems through student leadership and community outreach in Canada.