5th Annual E-Mental Health Conference: Youth E-Mental Health: New Ways of Caring
Keeping in theme with previous conferences, this year’s event continued the discussion of how new technologies are shifting the nature of health care delivery and access. As youth are familiar with technology, we connected them with researchers, developers, clinicians to help further the understanding of available tools and solutions.
This conference provided a forum through which youth could be empowered to add to the discussion by conveying their lived experiences to those directly involved in healthcare development. Practitioners, researchers and knowledge users were able to use young people’s unique perspectives on the utilization of apps and online services as tools for personal improvement, education, knowledge transfer and health management.
Topics of special attention included: campus based solutions for youth mental health, international experiences and models for youth EMH, and a range of tools for a range of needs – new technologies in support of mental health delivery.
You can read more about the objectives of this conference as covered by The Ubyssey, a summary by CHÉOS , and access the full conference program here.
You can also find a Storify review with images and tweets of the conference here.